Jenny’s Community Fellowship involved collecting, analyzing and mapping data about the City’s housing stock and housing trends. This information helped city staff assess various housing programs and set goals for the future. Additionally, Jenny researched potential partnerships, similar communities and additional funding sources that could assist with the City’s objectives.
Community Fellows And Projects - 2014-2015
Jenny AlpertCity of Bethlehem, Department of Community and Economic Development |
Elena DeSantisPromise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh ValleyPromise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley (PNLV) is a community development organization committed to the success of children from cradle to career. Elena managed the organization’s expansion into Bethlehem. This required collecting and analyzing data on Bethlehem’s education, safety, economy, and health, and conducting community meetings to share this data and get residents’ feedback. |
Marissa GalanteSt. Luke’s University Health Network, Community Health DepartmentMarissa worked on collecting and analyzing data for the 2016 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) required under the Affordable Care Act. She gathered primary and secondary data for the study, led community focus groups, and developed surveys. She assisted in writing the final report, creating trend diagrams and tracking and summarizing demographic and health disparity statistics for the six hospitals in the St. Luke’s network. |
Julissa LopezBethlehem Area School DistrictJulissa’s Community Fellowship was at Donegan Elementary School. She worked on the “Youth Succeeding in Schools” program, tracking student attendance, and with family social services to determine whether such support helped increase school attendance. Julissa also worked on school-wide vision initiatives, ensuring that every student in need of a pair of glasses received one, and she facilitated two programs that promoted literacy in the neighborhood. |
Brooke KohlerNurture Nature CenterBrooke was also at the Nurture Nature Center (NNC), supporting the organization’s efforts to raise awareness of local environmental risk. Brooke helped with program development, event coordination and promotion, community engagement, environmental educational outreach, and grant-writing and research, and oversaw NNC volunteers and interns. In addition, she worked on a community needs assessment, which sought to understand environmental concerns and awareness in the Easton community. |
Cristiano LimaMuhlenberg College, Institute of Public OpinionCristiano worked with the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, serving as a research assistant to Professor Christopher Borick. At the Institute, he developed polling instruments, ran statistical analyses, wrote data-specific opinion pieces, and synthesized study results into briefs used for public outreach and media engagement. His projects included the Lehigh Valley quality of life survey, a regional health survey, and an expansive national survey on attitudes toward climate change. |
Ellie McGuireBethlehem Area School DistrictEllie focused her Community Fellowship on the school district’s Climate and Sustainability Commitment to improve environmental sustainability in district operations and implement more sustainability-oriented curricula. She managed a district-wide curriculum inventory of existing sustainability-oriented curricula to identify gaps and potential areas for improvement. |
Community Fellows Profiles
Current Community Fellows Profiles
Community Fellows Profiles 2015-2016
Community Fellows Profiles 2014-2015
Community Fellows Profiles 2013-2014
Community Fellows Profiles 2012-2013