LVAIC’S Lehigh Valley Research Consortium
As a Community Fellow with the Lehigh Valley Research Consortium, Rachael works primarily with the LVRC’s Community‐Based Information System, which houses a wide array of community indicators, describing life in the Lehigh Valley. Yearly, new data and indicators are added as acquired. In addition, the LVRC’s releases two newsletters each year, as well as a status report, entitled “The State of the Lehigh Valley Report.” This year’s report was released January 13, 2011 in a community meeting held at Lehigh University, as a way of engaging the community and truly developing a picture of the state of the Lehigh Valley. This spring, as well as working with the CBIS, Rachael is also working on developing and researching a project of her own, related to life in the Lehigh Valley. Rachel is a M.A. candidate in Political Science.
